Things To Do While You’re Waiting For Your Delta 8 Gummies To Kick In
Anyone who has tried Delta 8 gummies knows that the old adage is true, the waiting truly is the hardest part. And, to further complicate things, the waiting varies from person to person and even from day to day. Things like body weight, speed of the individual’s metabolism, how much food was eaten in advance of the Delta 8 gummy, hormones and more can all come into play and either hasten the effect or slow the effect of your Delta 8 gummies.
While this (admittedly small) challenge does exist, the good news is the anticipatory period right before your Delta 8 gummies “kick in” so to speak, can be fun and even productive. Let’s start by exploring what to expect when you take Delta 8 gummies and then what you can do to pass the time while you’re waiting for that special moment.
So, how long will it take for my Delta 8 gummies to kick in?
A wide variety of variables can affect how quickly Delta 8 gummies are digested in the system. The time it takes is dependent on how fast the user’s body assimilates the compound. The general rule of thumb is 30 to 90 minutes, but this will usually change depending specifics like:
- The individual’s metabolism
- When last the user ate
- Stress and/or hormone fluctuations
- Tolerance to THC
- Unique sensitivities to things like medications, alcohol, etc
- Body fat, age, fitness levels
Does the way I take the Delta 8 affect how long it takes to work?
Delta 8 gummies are not the only option. It can be “vaped” or taken in a tincture as well as in food products like cookies or candies. Your choice of Delta 8 consumption can have a real impact on how long it takes for it to kick in. Here’s the breakdown of how each method works:
- Vaping works the fastest. When
vaping Delta 8, you can feel high in as little as five minutes, with a
peak anywhere between 30 minutes and 2.5 hours and last five hours.
- Tinctures work slightly faster than Delta 8 gummies but not as fast as the vaping of a cartridge. When taken as a tincture, users can expect the onset of the high to start around 15 to 90 minutes after administration, with a duration of four to five hours – a little faster than edibles because liquids are metabolized faster.
- Delta 8 gummies and other edibles forms will work the slowest but vary from individual user to user as noted above.Delta 8 gummies are the most common type of edible with the 30 to 90 minute window. They will last around four to five hours.
Things to do while waiting for that big moment:
- Get your body moving – Connect your mind and body while you are waiting for your Delta 8 gummies to kick by practicing some low intensity workouts such as yoga, walking or Pilates. Be mindful of not taking on any activity that could become dangerous as the euphoric effects of the Delta 8. In other words, it might be a good idea to avoid skip your favorite HIIT workout or go mountain biking.
- Tap into your creative juices – As you clock-watch waiting of the Delta 8 gummies to do their thing, it’s a perfect time to engage in some creative projects like painting, pottery, coloring or writing. As the THC kicks in, you might even find that your creativity is heightened.
- Spend time with Mother Nature –
Step outside for some fresh air during the time after taking your Delta
8 gummy and it’s peak effect. Getting grounded with nature by sitting
or walking outside is an excellent way to begin your Delta 8 experience.
- Chill with your inner circle – Whether your close friends or loved ones have taken a Delta 8 gummy or not, you’ll feel safe and content spending time with them during the waiting period. Maybe you’ll choose to watch a movie, grab a coffee or just chill on the couch with close friends while you wait.
How to choose the best Delta 8 gummies:
- Understand how the hemp is harvested. Like any supplement, it’s important to understand how it’s processed before consumption – Delta 8 gummies are no exception. Look for companies that offer transparency into their farming processes such as organic soil, sustainable farming practices and third party testing to audit that your products are of high quality.
- If you’re vegan, not all gummies are vegan. It might be surprising to a newbie vegan to learn that many Delta 8 gummies are made from a substance that contains animal parts. If it’s important to you to consume animal-free products, look for vegan on the label.
- The other ingredients matter too. Some Delta 8 gummies can have fillers or unnecessary ingredients which can be unwanted or unhealthy. Read the labels to find out what else is included in your choice of Delta 8 gummy.
- Find the perfect flavor. Now for the fun part. Delta 8 gummies can come in a wide range of flavors from raspberry to watermelon to orange to green apple. The hardest part might be choosing just one.
Haygood Farms is different because they are focused on purity from dirt to delivery. Their vision is to ensure purity in their hemp-based products from the dirt to the seeds and every step of they way as they use sustainable and organic hemp farming method in rich Tennessee soil full of nutrients and void of heavy metals, solvents and pesticides. Haygood Farms offers a complete line of high quality Delta 8 gummies and hemp-based and CBD products.
Shop our Delta 8 gummy selection today.

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